The Most Treasured Company in Japan
- Posted by 2016.2.1
- Category: FOUNDER
The author of the best-seller
”The Most Treasured Company in Japan”(日本でいちばん大切にしたい会社)
visited our company to exchange views with Akimoto.
The book was first published 8 years ago, and volume 5 was released last month. Accumulating to over 670,000 copies, Professor Sakamoto of Hosei University is a celebrity and a very active corporate analyst. He has visited over 7,000 organizations in 40 years, and gives lectures on seminars every day.
How did he find us?
The representative of a major wire-harness company who served in China for 10 years was a classmate at Akimoto’s high school, and he introduced Akimoto when he was interviewed by Professor Sakamoto.
All Shizuoka people.
Professor Sakamoto’s view is that something extraordinary can be ordinary, and vice versa.
We will see.