- Posted by 2016.1.15
Our Tokyo Office has an Art Gallery featuring different artists every month.
Why does a construction company have such a Gallery?
Because art is part of life, and part of architecture.
Or, architecture is part of art.
Wondering through prized statues of Mr. Kawasaki,
bold but detailed sculptures facilitates the imagination of Akimoto.
HEISEI Art Gallery on Setagaya Street
Address: 3-25-4, Sakura, Setagaya
Phone: 03-3426-1103
Open: 10:00-18:00
Admission: Free
Closed: Sunday
HIROTERU KAWASAKI Exhibition ends Feb 17.
One of Akimoto’s choice: an old dancer in bronze plate
Surprisingly, most of the art works are for sale!
Enjoy the weekend.